The aim of this blog used to be meant to store some of my students productions in English from 2007 onwards.Besides,there are some of the activities we do in our English lessons.
After reading this text, I would say I'm very proud to live next to a city that, without violence, has closed this multinational in order to build a healthy fast food restaurant. I rarely eat in fast food chains seeing that McDonald's hamburgers make me sick. Moreover, McDonald's promote their food as nutritious, but the reality is that it's only junk food. As the text says, a large number of people visit the store at least ten times a month and from my point of view, they are destroying their health and unfortunately they know it.
So please, if you're a regular costumer of McDonald's store, stop giving money to that monopoly and start loving your body!
Many people in the world eat fast food in Mc Donald’s as the text says, basically because it is economical and faster, but is fast food good for people’s health?
The fast food is very fatty and scientifics say so, but a lot of people in the world eat this food. In addition, children go to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald’s because their parents agree. The other problem is advertising and the toys which are “given” in fast food menus.
I think that the fast food is a big problem and nobody changes because it is a big business.
In conclusion, although I agree with the fast food restaurants, because when we don’t have a lot time for lunch or dinner it is good that there are fast food restaurants but this food should be healthy and with balanced dishes.
After reading this poster I think that the fast food could be unhealthy for the person who eat usually in these places because this type of food has many chemical components and also has many calories. But despite this, these enterprises are growing slowly. Having thousands of locations around the world with many employees.
I think people should take in consideration the welfare of your body and don't consume or allow their children to eat these foods.
Laura Asamar
In my opinion I think the sale of fast food has become one of the most important business in the world, The fast food started several years ago and it has grown gradually, and today the fast food industry give many thousands of jobs specially for the young people, because there are many fast food's restaurants around the world, but maybe the lack of time in the day to day and how economical their menus are, are the reason for the people who usually eat in places like these, without taking into consideration the damage they do to their health, since they eat food full of chemical ingredients and harmful components to them, although these companies ,in their ads, indicate the opposite. The fast food is still just junk food disguised as nutrition in order to sell but not often take into account the rules of health that can make sale ideal. Today the fast food is not just a problem of American culture if not that ever more be extended to other countries, giving rise these firms to create new ways to try to reach to the public, such as by creating new menus, turning it in addictive food.
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