Homework: Prepare a wordlle WS similar to the example with the new words you learnt and hand them to your teacher on Friday 29th.
These are some of my students examples:
Erik Yagüe
vanessa trejo
Paula Vergés
Sergi Picart
Pau Riera
The aim of this blog used to be meant to store some of my students productions in English from 2007 onwards.Besides,there are some of the activities we do in our English lessons.
These are some of my students examples:
Erik Yagüe
vanessa trejo
We’ve started this 3rd term dealing with adjectives to describe feelings with our students from 2nd ESO.
I was thinking about doing something different and meaningful to them when I came up with the idea to tell 2S3 students how wonderful they are. Eventually, the idea became much more interesting as long they could tell each other how great they were so as to create a good class atmosphere.
I took their photographs from our website, put them in bag, shuffle them and asked the students to pick up a picture. As soon as they got their partner’s name, they looked up for suitable adjectives to describe them in order to make a visual poem with their names. They were expected to use colours, printed letters, pictures…… they had to be ORIGINAL!